Features and Capabilities

Can I compare at the product line level - for example, all kinds of toothpaste or all vacuums?

Yes, when comparing at the product level line, please ensure you perform an apples-to-apples comparison.

Example: Crest vs. Colgate as opposed to P&G vs.Colgate.

Please note, not all brands are broken out at a product line level at this time.

Can I compare ad tech services?

Currently, we do not have an Ad Tech comparison feature, but you can look up any ad tech company within the search bar to view all correlating data for that individual organization.

Can I drill down to the geographic level where an ad is being served?

At this time, all non-social, desktop data within Pathmatics Explorer is presented at the national level. While we do have data aggregators in 65 DMAs throughout the country, all data is published at the United States level.

We also aggregate data from a limited number of countries internationally. For questions regarding international data, contact support@pathmatics.com

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